
10th UNC清洁技术峰会 expected to be largest yet

The two-day event will promote cleantech as an economic driver and a career choice for Carolina students.

Man wearing microphone and speaking in front of powerpoint image with windmills.
(Photo courtesy of UNC Institute for the Environment)

自10年前成立以来 UNC清洁技术峰会 has grown into the largest university-hosted cleantech conference in the United States, 汇集超过1,每年有1000名与会者. 在这个具有里程碑意义的周年纪念日, 定于3月21日至22日在星期五中心举行, 活动组织者期待创纪录的参与.

“在整个峰会的历史中, 我们的目标包括建立一支劳动力队伍, encouraging students from around the state to think about careers in cleantech and marketing the area to companies from around the world as a place to locate,活动创始人格雷格·甘吉(格雷格Gangi)说, associate director for clean technology and innovation at the UNC Institute for the Environment. “The event was designed to foster growth and leadership in the Southeast’s cleantech industry and highlight the role of innovation in creating a clean economy. We’re excited to see and celebrate these goals coming to fruition.”

UNC’s Institute for the Environment and the Ackerman Center for Excellence in Sustainability in the UNC 凯南-弗拉格勒商学院 are hosting the summit, 让学生们聚在一起, educators and professionals from across the cleantech industry. 为期两天的活动以主题演讲为特色, 小组讨论, 研讨会, 招聘会, networking receptions and the popular mentor match program, where professionals pair with students to promote networking in the field.

This year’s keynote speakers come from an array of government, 私营部门和学术背景. 它们包括U.S. 森. Thom Tillis; Michael Regan, U.S. EPA administrator; Chris Womack, 主席, president and CEO of Southern Company; David Turk, 美国国务院副部长.S. Department of Energy; and Frank Holding Jr., 第一公民银行董事长兼首席执行官, a major player in the field of green finance with its acquisitions of CIT and Silicon Valley Banks. See the summit 网站 for a list of speakers and panelists. New speakers are added weekly, so check back frequently for the most up-to-date listing.

The conference will feature 54 panels on many topics, including:


  • 再生农业.
  • 建筑物和基础设施.
  • 能源安全.
  • 流动性.
  • 新兴能源技术.
  • 能量储存.
  • 工业脱碳.

The summit has always primarily focused on energy, 但是今年, sustainable biotech will be another focal point. Biotechnology integrates the natural sciences into applied engineering to address complex issues. Biotech has a major role to play in solving many environmental problems like the elimination of petroleum-based products, 减少化学农药, replacing chemical additives in food with biological ones and more.

A strikingly high number of biotech startups exist, many in the 研究 Triangle Park. For students with a natural sciences degree like biology or chemistry, sustainable biotech offers many opportunities. The summit is incorporating this theme into panels to connect students and biotech startups.

Organizers encourage registration by March 15. The different types of registration include $30 tickets for university, community college and trade school students and $150 tickets for university faculty and staff.

To register and purchase tickets for the 10th annual UNC清洁技术峰会, 参观UNC清洁技术峰会 网站. 欲了解更多清洁技术内容,请访问 清洁科技角计划 博客.

For more information on the summit, contact organizers 格雷格Gangi or Kiersten威廉姆斯,公共传播专家.